


Homéopathes autour du monde Suisse (HMSuisse) promotes and supports the use of homeopathy in treatment and training assignments in countries affected by poverty and disasters. Homeopathy, as a natural and cost-effective method, can make an important contribution to the sustainable improvement of the health level. HMSuisse works according to needs and according to the principle of helping people to help themselves. Since 2008, a team of homeopaths has been working on establishing, developing and maintaining a homeopathic school. The offer is aimed at school leavers and professionals who are mainly taught in homeopathy. Every year, two to four trained homeopaths from Switzerland are on-site for up to 20 weeks to teach and do other work for the project. During our absence, the homeopathy lessons are accompanied by already trained Gambian homeopaths. Momodou Colley, a young Gambian doctor, also trains students in anatomy, physiology, pathology and traditional herbal medicine.

Gambia Friends

“Gambiafriends” is a non-profit tax-exempt association. Our focus in Gambia is on natural health promotion, women’s advancement, good education and job creation. These are our priorities:

  • Helping women with family planning – during pregnancy and childbirth!
  • We help individually when it “burns” when people are in need!
  • We promote cultural exchange!
  • A school that trains to non-medical practitioners with a focus on homeopathy!
  • Consultation hours in which we naturally alleviate the suffering of the people!